Hanheng Biotechnology (Shanghai) Co., Ltd.
Lentivirus Stable Cell Line

Lentivirus Stable Cell Line

A lentivirus stable cell line is a cell line that has been engineered to stably express a lentiviral vector. 

To create a lentivirus stable cell line, cells are typically transduced with lentiviral particles containing the desired gene of interest. The lentiviral vector integrates into the host cell's genome, leading to stable expression of the gene in the cell line. This allows researchers to study the effects of the gene of interest in a controlled and reproducible manner.

Advantages of HANBIO Lentivirus Stable Cell Line

  • Excellent cells: Start with high-quality cells that exhibit robust growth characteristics and are free from contaminants such as mycoplasma and Nanobacteria. Using healthy and uncontaminated cells as a starting point is crucial for obtaining reliable and reproducible results in cell-based experiments.

  • Stable traits: Aim to establish stable cell lines with consistent and reliable expression of the target gene. This involves carefully selecting and verifying the expression system used for introducing the gene of interest into the cells. Ensuring stable expression of the target gene is essential for conducting meaningful functional studies and obtaining accurate results.

  • Strict screening and verification system: Implement a rigorous screening and verification process to confirm the successful integration and expression of the target gene in the stable cell lines. This may involve using techniques such as PCR, Western blotting, or immunofluorescence to validate the presence and expression of the gene of interest in the cells.

  • Stable vitality: Assess the proliferation activity and overall vitality of the stable cell lines over multiple generations to ensure their stability and long-term viability. Monitoring the cells' growth and viability over time can help identify any potential issues or changes in cell behavior that may impact experimental outcomes.

Specifications for Creating A Lentivirus Stable Cell Line

  • Lentiviral vector design: Design a lentiviral vector containing the gene of interest for overexpression or a short hairpin RNA (shRNA) targeting the gene for knockdown. Ensure the vector includes appropriate regulatory elements for gene expression or knockdown, such as a promoter and selection marker.

  • Transduction efficiency: Optimize lentiviral transduction conditions to achieve efficient delivery of the vector into the host cells. This may involve titrating the viral particles and optimizing transduction protocols.

  • Selection marker: Include a selection marker, such as antibiotic resistance or fluorescent protein, in the lentiviral vector to enable the isolation of transduced cells. This will allow for the generation of a stable cell line with the desired gene expression or knockdown.

  • Stable cell line generation: Transduce host cells with the lentiviral vector and select for stable integration of the vector into the host cell genome. This can be achieved by using antibiotics or other selection methods to isolate cells that have incorporated the lentiviral vector.

  • Validation of gene expression or knockdown: Confirm the overexpression or knockdown of the gene of interest in the lentivirus stable cell line using techniques such as qRT-PCR, Western blotting, or immunofluorescence.

  • Functional studies: Perform functional assays to study the effects of the gene overexpression or knockdown on cellular processes of interest. This may include cell proliferation assays, migration assays, or other relevant functional assays.

Lentivirus Stable Cell Line Service Process

Lentivirus Stable Cell Line Service Process

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